Office Planters with Moveable Magnetic Pots

Office Planters with Moveable Magnetic Pots

With many people stuck in cubicle life, or just at a desk in general with no windows into the outside world, adding something living to your space is not only good for the air quality, it’s good for mental health. Singapore-based, and recent design school graduate, Michelle Kartokusumodesigned the OASIS series of planters that encourage employees to add some greenery to their spaces.

The series comprises moveable magnetic pots that can be attached to the wall, hung on a desktop stand, or placed on a table. Taking inspiration from office magnetic boards, the planters feature magnets that not only allow you to move them, but it makes it easy when it comes time to water them. OASIS allows for different types of plants, like air plants, succulents, or creeper plants, depending on your preference.

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